About Me(Karen White)
I am a 35 year old Stay at Home Mom(SAHM).Married and with one child,7yr old daughter.I live in the United States :),I love to draw and make crafts.All of my graphics here at my site are all drawn with my hand controlling my mouse.I draw and color all of my graphics with my Windows Paint program.I do not use any scanned images,and will never use them.After I draw and color my graphics I save them as a bmp and carry them to another program called Ulitimate Paint,I open the bmp`s here an save them as a gif image.I also do all of my text in this program.Then after I have converted them to a gif,I open the gif file into another program called Lviewp1b.This is where I make the backgrounds transparent to the gif`s.I open the gif files here and make the background transparent and then save as a gif89a image. I have always loved to draw.I took 12 years of regular art classes at the public shool I attended as a child and teenager.This has been a big help to me.It has taken me awhile to learn to draw good with the mouse,but I think I have learned it who is in control now o:)Drawing with my mouse is easier to me now then drawing with a pen and paper,nothing to it.All it takes is a little time and practice.Well this is it in the about me part.I hope you enjoy my graphics and always feel free to mail me if you need to know something and etc..Hugs,Karen